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Science of Balanced Life

Ayurveda is a beautiful healing science based on a 5,000 year old ancient Vedic system meant to balance the body, mind, and spirit. It seeks to bring a higher awareness to one's inner self through nutrition, yoga, bodywork, herbs, and lifestyle changes.


The principles of Ayurveda are based on nature has its own inherent cycles and rhythms, which we as humans are interconnected with.  Living a preventative lifestyle that is in accordance with this foundation is the key to health since imbalance can happen through daily internal and external factors (emotions, diet, weather, mental stress, etc). 


Through SomAyu learn about the fundamentals of Ayurveda that will aid you in embarking on your unique wellness journey. 


   These are the building  blocks of creation. Five elements are present in all living and non-living beings in various compositions. They form the connection between you and the universe so you can live a life of fulfillment. 




Universal Energies in Charge of Physiological Functions

Doshas create the cycle of growth, transformation, and dissolution.  All that we experience within the universe is influenced by doshas. Hence nature itself can be used to balance the energies through daily inputs: food, air, water, and five senses.  Prakriti, is your unique constitution formed by the doshas at conception, which your body is consistently trying to stay in balance with. Imbalance occurs when the qualities of a dosha is increased/decreased in excess from your natural constitution. When energies become imbalanced, the opposite qualities are used  to bring back to equillibrium according to the five elements. 



Qualities: Airy, Light, Dry, Mobile.
Vata is the force in charge of movement and creation. The energy is prominent in the body as transportation. Composed of air and ether elements.

Barley Fields


Qualities: Sharp, hot, oily. 
Pitta is the transformation energy and is mainly in charge of metabolism and digestion within the body. Composed of mainly fire, but with water element as well.

Close Up of Corn Field

Qualities: Heavy, stable,  slow.

Kapha energy provides growth and stability.  Within our body it provides lubrication and structure. Composed of water and earth elements. 


Growing Plants


Agni, represents the digestive metabolism or vital fire within the body that transforms any input

(food, water, air, emotions, or thoughts). Agni processes the food into elemental substances, which can be easily absorbed and utilized within the body. Not only food, mental agni metabolizes your emotions and inputs from the senses. 


Weak agni according to Ayurveda, is seen as the root cause for imbalance, and hence creation of disease. Therefore agni is given such importance for complete health. 


How does weak agni form? Poor diet choices that favor heavy/cold qualities, incompatible foods, hectic lifestyle not in sync with nature, or repressed emotions/stress are prime sources. Excess spicy, oily foods can also create unbalanced agni!


Agni has attributes of hot, dry, and light. Hence foods/lifestyle practices are meant to enhance these qualities if weak agni ( 3 main types) is present. 

Ama, is the undigested food, or toxins formed mainly due to weak agni (metabolism) or unbalanced doshas within the body and mind.  Ama has the opposite qualities of agni, such as cold, slimy, heavy, and sticky. In terms of physical qualities cold, thick yogurt can be seen as a similar represenation. 


Because of ama, nutrient absorption and utilization is compromised within the gut and tissue channels. Over time accumulation of ama leads to blocked channels and unbalanced doshas leading to physical disease. Symptoms such as fatigue, tongue coating, and confusion can be seen along with others. Hence, if ama is present Ayurveda stresses first to clear the ama and then strengthen the agni. 


To evaluate the level of ama and type of agni you have an Ayurvedic practitioner provides in-depth consultation. 




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